B1. Amsterdam University Medical Centres-location AMC

The Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam (AMC) is one of two Amsterdam UMC locations and one of the foremost research institutions on the Netherlands, as well as one of its largest hospitals.. Over 7000 people work here to provide integrated patient care, fundamental and clinical scientific research, and teaching. Some 1500 members of staff are either fully or partially employed in medical research, which is regularly subjected to scrutiny by a panel of international scientists. The AMC encourages Open Science and fully endorses the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and consistently promotes, facilitates and ensures conduction of scientific research according to the principles of conduct for research integrity in and across the University Medical Centers in Amsterdam best pursued with a wide diversity of staff. The AMC is part of the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School where a total of 384 PhDs for both locations were awarded in 2020 supervision training is offered and there is an active PhD student network.