WP1 – Navigate

The “Navigate” work package is the work package dealing with the management of the project, and has as objectives to ensure effective and appropriate coordination and management of the DIALECT network; to safeguard the planning in research, training, communication, dissemination, public engagement, administrative, financial, IPR, and legal activities; to safeguard ethics, timely deliverables and make decisions based on milestones and risk plan and of course the risk management/mitigation on consortium level and individual projects.

The Project Coordinator (PC), prof. dr. Sicco A. Bus (AMC), will be supported by a deputy PC, dr. Jaap J. van Netten (AMC). They are supported by a dedicated Project Manager (PM), dr. Laurian Jongejan and a financial controller, Don van Velzen. IPR support and legal support are also available at the coordinating center, the Amsterdam University Medical Centers, location AMC. Altogether, this network organization (see Diagram below) executes all activities to successfully manage and run the DIALECT consortium. Of course there is also a Training and Education Board (TEB), a Science and Technology Board (STB), an Ethics advisor, a Doctoral Candidates (DC) board, and an External Advisory Board (EAB). Together they support and advice the PC and STB. The recruitment Committee (RC) also has a supportive role.

The project coordinator, prof. dr. Sicco Bus from Amsterdam UMC is work package leader for WP1