MUMC Spring school

April 22nd-April 26th 2024 we had the next training school of our consortium, also followed by a consortium meeting (full program), this time in Maastricht. The program of the spring school was again very challenging, and some highlights can be found below;

Day1:  The kick-off of the MSCA-ITN DIALECT Spring School 2024 at Maastricht University, The Netherlands! Today marked the beginning of an enriching week filled with insightful discussions and cutting-edge technology. The morning session featured a compelling workshop on presentation skills led by Rudy van Beurden, equipping our doctoral candidates with essential tools to enhance their communication abilities.
The afternoon was dedicated to an innovative session by Hans Savelberg, preparing for an outreach event. This included engaging discussions about the diverse organizational structures of the institutes our doctoral candidates (DCs) represent and reflections on their roles within these organizations.
We wrapped up the evening with a fascinating demonstration of the CAREN system, showcasing the latest in movement analysis technology.

Day 2: From Nicolaas Schaper’s insightful clinical perspective to Axel Kalpen deep dive into measuring plantar pressure patterns, the morning was packed with valuable knowledge. In the afternoon, Sicco Bus and Jaap Van Netten shed light on utilizing plantar pressure pattern information in clinical settings, followed by engaging outreach sessions with Bachelor Health Sciences students. The hands-on workshop on disturbing sensory information and measuring plantar pressures novel – Accurate force & pressure sensors was a hit, empowering our doctoral candidates to apply their learnings. The day was concluded with the Consortium Dinner fostering connections and lively discussions. A huge thank you to all the speakers, participants, and organizers for making this event a resounding success!

The consortium meeting provided a platform for fruitful discussions, fostering connections and laying the groundwork for future collaborations. It was inspiring to see experts, researchers, and industry professionals come together to drive innovation and advance the field of personalised medicine for people with diabetes-related foot complications.

A heartfelt thank you to organizers Hans Savelberg, Brenda Berendsen and Annemarie Koster who contributed to the success of the Maastricht Spring School of DIALECT at Maastricht University. Your passion and dedication have made this event truly memorable.